20 Ways To Stop Procrastinating

You want to take action but those important tasks keep getting delayed & pushed back…

😬 You’re stuck in a cycle of procrastination and feeling guilty about it

🔥 Self-discipline and “pushing through” just isn’t working and it’s burning you out

💔 You’re sick of the tough-love approach and being told to “make a better plan”

🐸 And if someone tells you one more time to “eat the frog” you just might freak out…

🤦 Google isn’t much help either with lots of the “same old same old” procrastination advice

🐌 Meanwhile the longer you’re stuck in Procrastination Land the more it hinders progress, slows growth and results in missed opportunities


🐇 It’ll give you twenty simple and unique ways to easily take action so you can get that passion project out into the world.

🐇 You’ll discover a combination of practical strategies, mindset shifts and actionable steps so you can finally move forward with those unfinished projects.

🐇 All so you can speed up your success, results and growth in order to scale and achieve your dreams faster (because seriously, why would you wait?!)

🐇 You’ll even be able to free up more time to spend with your family and friends, get more sleep (my personal fave), dive into your hobbies or just doing your ‘thang.

…so get ready to say Buh Bye 👋 to procrastination and Hello to consistently following through and moving your business forward!

(because procrastination is just a learned behaviour and habit that can be undone)

A Look Inside “20 Ways To Stop Procrastinating”

📝 20 Procrastination Hacks —> Discover the twenty unique (but practical and effective!) strategies that’ll make it fun for you to take action and unwind the habit of procrastination. Each one is a separate bite-sized lesson so it’s quick to consume and easy to fit as many or as few as you want into your schedule.

📝 Accessibility Friendly —> Various formats are available for each lesson including video (with captions), transcripts and audio so you can take it all in however works best for you. This also makes it easy to consume on-the-go (no need to wait for a big chunk of time or put it off any longer).

📝 Choose Your Own Adventure Style —> You can pick and choose the lessons you wish to consume, in any order you like and at your own pace. No need to work in a linear order or complete the entire course to reap the benefits! Try out and practice just one strategy at a time or binge them all at once before you choose the right ones for you; tailoring it to your own unique personality makes it so much easier to take action.

📝 Instant + Lifetime Access —> Instant access to 100% of the content including any and all future updates. Come back to it any time you’re ready to learn a new hack or when you need a reminder, refresher or renewed sense of motivation to move past the procrastination habit and take easy action.

📝 Fillable Worksheets —> To help you put the new strategies into practice right away and solidify what you’ve learned so you feel confident and comfortable taking action on them.

📝 Options To Connect With Me —> I truly want you to get unstuck and taking action so if you find yourself at a stand still, you’ve got a way to connect directly with moi for some personalized support, guidance and help moving forward.

📝  Lots Of Awesome Bonus Stuff —> Focus music play lists, the myths of procrastination, how to recognize when you’re procrastinating, affirmations & journal prompts (all powerful tools in your “I’m no longer a person who procrastinates” toolbox).

If you made it this far, you’re ready to take action & make progress:

Step 1: Sign Up

Once you’ve clicked the “Add To Cart” button, simply navigate to the cart icon at the top right-hand corner of your screen to complete your order. You’ll receive one email within a few minutes that contains your receipt.

Step 2: Access The Content

You’ll receive a separate email letting you know how to instantly login and access 100% of the eCourse content so you can get started as soon as you like.

Step 3: Learn The Strategies

Within the eCourse platform, start with the “Introduction” lesson at the top of the page. Then you can “choose your own adventure” by picking and working through any of the lessons you choose.

Hey, I’m Jodi 😁 I’m the person you come to when you need to save time and get more done!

When I was choosing my next eCourse topic, I decided to survey to my email list so they could tell me exactly what they wanted support with. Just over 70% of the respondents chose “procrastination”. 🤯 Creating this was a no-brainer!

The irony is that despite knowing what people wanted most, I still procrastinated on putting this together. 🤦 I didn’t like to think of myself as a “procrastinator” and so told myself that I didn’t have anything valuable to share on this topic.

The truth is every single person on this planet struggles with procrastination in one way or another. It’s not a personality flaw or inevitable way of being: it’s a learned habit that’s totally possible to unlearn and move past.

I knew that there was a lot of sh** advice out there about procrastination and so I’ve used “fun & unique” as my guiding star for the strategies included in this eCourse. I want to show you how to make it fun and easy to overcome procrastination. So here’s what you’re not going to hear in 20 Ways To Stop Procrastinating:

  • I’m not going to tell you that you’re lazy (because you’re not)
  • I’m not going to say you need to work on your self-discipline
  • I’m not going to tell you to do the hardest task first (what an awful way to start your day)
  • I’m not going to tell you to “just do it”. What ridiculous advice.

I don’t believe overcoming procrastination and taking action has to be a slog, involve harsh self-disciple or complicated strategies: I believe it can be fun!

Let’s see 🔎 if this eCourse a good fit for you

You could use this if…

✅ You’re an online business owner or solopreneur

✅ You find yourself constantly delaying and pushing back tasks that you know are important 

✅ You’ve tried self-discipline with nothing to show for it and you’re ready for an easier way to overcome procrastination

Hit pause on this if…

⛔️ You’re great at taking action on your tasks and following through on them

⛔️ You feel proud about what you’ve accomplished at the end of the day

⛔️ You’d prefer to just figure it all out through trial and error and Google searches


I'm not sure if I have the discipline to follow through with this eCourse...

The reason you haven’t been able to overcome your procrastination habit (yet!) isn’t because you’re personally flawed or not disciplined enough. Procrastination is a learned behavior and habit that can be unlearned and that anyone anyone can overcome. But there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy and most likely you just haven’t found the right strategy for your style and personality.

With 20 tips, hacks and strategies included within this eCourse, there is something for every personality and style.

I’ve already tried other strategies to overcome procrastination and they didn't work. How is this different?

I know there’s a lot of sh** advice out there about procrastination: rest assured I’m not going to tell you to be more disciplined, make a better plan or “just do it” in this eCourse. My intention with this eCourse is to provide you with fun and unique strategies that make it easy and enjoyable for you to overcome procrastination.

The eCourse combines practical techniques with mindset shifts and actionable steps, addressing both the external and internal factors that contribute to procrastination.

What if I buy it and get stuck?

No worries! There’s a contact form included with the eCourse platform that you can use to reach out to me any time you feel stuck or if you need more guidance and help. I genuinely want you to complete and implement the strategies in this eCourse (not just have it sit on a dusty shelf for another day) because I know what a huge and positive impact it will have on your business and I want you to experience those results stat.

Do you offer refunds?

When you sign up for this eCourse you’ve got a 7 day money back guarantee. If you feel like the hacks and strategies you’ve learned don’t live up to the value promised, email me within 7 days of making your purchase and I’ll refund you (straight up, no complicated process involved). Your access to the eCourse will be revoked immediately as well.

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